Two mechanics assemble a BIOROWER Pro, which is considered to be the worlds best indoor rower.

A BIOROWER lasts for decades, provided it is taken care of properly. Almost all of the basic maintenance can be done by you, as a user. If you know how to service a bicycle, you have got the basic skills to maintain a BIOROWER. There are a handful of spare parts which need to be replaced sooner or later. How soon depends on two factors: how much your BIOROWER is being used and the environment it is in. For example: if you are using your BIOROWER in a tropical climate for multiple hours everyday, chances are, you will need to do a lot of maintenance and preventive care. This is the same with any other mechanical device. If you are using your BIOROWER in a dry home environment once a week, chances are high, you will not need to replace anything for a long time. If something needs replacement, we are working on providing as much DIY help as possible, in form of videos and also live-video-calls. In case you prefer a technician on site, we are prepared to send our highly trained techs around the world to help you. (Charges may apply)

As we have had all kinds of cases before, such as wet and moldy basements, but also customers who used their BIOROWER outside in rainy conditions, we have established a guideline to suit the “average” use case. This may not apply to your use case, but nevertheless, we have to set up a strict schedule for warranty claim issues. Be assured, however, that we have a very customer friendly good will policy. 

The schedule

Please follow the official maintenance schedule closely, and frequently look up this specific website. It is constantly updated with additional recommendations and maintenance videos. 

Most of the work can be done at home, provided you feel confident enough about your mechanical skills. We highly recommend to document the maintenance done with photos and notes for any warranty claims. A maintenance pdf booklet will be available in the near future. Every 5 years, we recommend to let your BIOROWER go through a complete revision. This is optional, however, it will also prolong your warranty for the transmission for another 5 years – each time. 


This is a list of things we recommend you do yourself or have done by a certified BIOROWER technician. If you do maintenance work yourself, and need help, we happily support you with growing list of videos and through video calls. The 5-year-service, however, definetely should be done by a certified BIOROWER tech. It helps to increase the usable lifespan of your BIOROWER and it also prolongs parts of your warranty for another five years.

The term “hours” refers to time in use, the additional mentioned time period of a week, month, a period of months or years is the latest recommend point of time to perform the specific maintenance. 

After initial installation

Inspect, clean and lubricate the rod ends on the outside and inside. Check the bolts connecting the outside rod end with the rigger for proper hold. 

Material needed: Oil (standard light grease such as WD40 or small engine oil will work just fine)

BIOROWER eye screws connected to piston rods frequently need to be lubricated

Inspect longitudinal level

Every session

Before every session inspect for tight hold:

  • all screws of the seat anti-tip bars (both sides) (5.9NM of torque)
  • Oar lock screws M8 – maximum of 25NM of torque
  • Allen screws M8 (rigger) – maximum of 25NM of torque
  • foot stretcher clamp mechanism

Tools required: Allen keys (part of the included tool kit)

Inspecting seat stoppers 

  • Seat stopper screws M6 – 10NM of torque

Inspecting clamp lever mechanism

After every session:

  • Clean the seat rails and wheels
  • Clean the slide frame rails and wheels with an oily towel
BIOROWER Pro top view - the worlds best indoor rower
BIOROWER lubricate slide frame, wheels and bearings - the worlds best indoor rower

Every 7 hours / weekly

Readjusting seat

Every 60 hours / two months

Removing the cover

Mounting outriggers and handles without cover

Mounting covers

Readjusting clamps and wheels of the seat

Greasing wheels and sliding frame

Inspect, clean and lubricate the rod ends on the outside and inside. Check the bolts connecting the outside rod end with the rigger for proper hold. 

Material needed: Oil (standard light grease such as WD40 or small engine oil will work just fine)

Oiling the outtrigger

Inspecting rod end

Inspecting springs

Inspecting bronce bushing

Every 360 hours / annually

Inspecting chains

Inspecting fan wheel

Readjusting the magnet break

Replacing oarlock springs

Replacing the clamp lever mechanism

Adjusting chain tension

Checking screws and nuts for transmissions position

Every 360 training hours or every year the latest we recommend to do a small transmission inspection and service. You can have a certified BIOROWER tech perform this work or do this yourself. If you decide for the later, we recommend to document the work done with pictures and notes. 

Small transmission inspection and service

Remove covers inspect for alignment and/or tight hold, clean, grease or replace if needed:

  • Main joiner frame bolts (tight hold)
  • Main joiner transmission bolts (tight hold)
  • Transmission frame bolts (tight hold)
  • Circlips (inspect and replace if needed)
  • Chain locks (inspect and replace if needed)
  • Chains (Inspect for alignment, clean and grease)
  • Chain tensioners (inspect, clean, adjust for proper chain tension)
  • Bearings (inspect, clean, grease)
  • Fly wheel clutch and bearing (inspect for effortless run)
  • Magnet lever screw (inspect for proper adjustment / adjust if needed)

Mount covers again and do a short test row. 

part of a BIOROWER transmission - the worlds best indoor rower


If you have selected "BRING IN" please let us know if you need help with packing and transport in the comment section. If you have selected "ON-SITE", we will get in contact with you to arrange an appointment. 

Inspect oar lock springs and replace if needed

Material needed: Fork key and replacement springs

Close up of a BIOROWER Pro oar lock - the worlds best indoor rower

Inspect Rod Ends on both ends of the piston rods and replace if needed. 

Rod End for smart rowing simulator BIOROWER Pro and Club - the worlds best indoor rower

Seat anti tip bar screws (M5): Inspect for proper hold and re-tighten to 5,9Nm

Seat anti tip bars of a smart rowing simulator BIOROWER Pro and Club - the worlds best indoor rower

Inspect and replace Bronze Bushes on both oar locks. 

Close up of a BIOROWER Pro oar lock - the worlds best indoor rower

PRO Series only:

Imbalance mechanism bolts and center piece: inspect and replace if needed. 

CLUB Series only:

Inspect the drive belt (timing belt) and replace if needed. 

part of a BIOROWER transmission - the worlds best indoor rower

Every 5 years or 1.800 training hours we recommend to have your BIOROWER serviced by a certified level 3 BIOROWER technician. This service includes a complete transmission service, where we disassemble your BIOROWER, inspect every single circlip, sprocket and screw, clean it, replace what needs to be replaced, put it back together, test all components individually as well as the entire rowing simulator, and send it back to you. This service also prolongs your transmission warranty* for another 5 years. 

*Wear and tear parts not included. For more information, please see our detailed warranty page. 

Every 5 years / 1.800 hours

A BIOROWER mechanic is working on a BIOROWER Pro - the worlds first smart rowing simulator


If you have selected "BRING IN" please let us know if you need help with packing and transport in the comment section. If you have selected "ON-SITE", we will get in contact with you to arrange an appointment. 


Calibrating angles on Club and Pro models after sensor upgrade

Replacing the sensoric unit box

Replacing the inboard

Replacing piston rod

Replacing rods ends

Replacing bronce bushings

Mounting rubber cords

Mounting rubbergrips



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